<- st_read("../results/link_mon_am.gpkg")
link_data <- st_read("../results/spin_mon_am.gpkg")
lime_data <- st_read("../results/spin_mon_am.gpkg")
spin_data = bind_rows(link_data, lime_data, spin_data) %>%
scooters_raw st_transform(crs = 3857)
st_write(scooters_raw, dsn = "../results/scooters_raw.gpkg")
scooter analysis
This script relies on 3 geopackage outputs from the previous script. It creates a long dataframe, inclusive of all three vendors, groups them by permanent, unique bike ID, and defines a trip as a movement of 50 meters between timestamps, in an attempt to adjust for GPS variability.
First, we’ll filter out the disabled bike observations, and split the bikes into their own lists in order to apply a function over each bike.
<- scooters_raw %>%
scooters_split distinct() %>%
filter(is_disabled == 0) %>%
group_by(vendor, bike_id) %>%
This function defines what constitutes a trip. It is slow. When it’s done, each list element, representing a scooter, will have a field delineating if a given time-interval was part of a trip.
<- lapply(scooters_split, function(df){
scooters_trip %>% mutate(dist_prev = units::drop_units(st_distance(geom, lag(geom), by_element = TRUE)),
df dist_next = units::drop_units(st_distance(geom, lead(geom), by_element = TRUE)),
time_id = row_number(), #this is what allows us to order points for QGIS analysis
movement_id = paste(bike_id, "_", row_number(), sep = ""), #perhaps redundant, but easy solution for moving between R and QGIS
trip = case_when(
> 50 | dist_next > 50 ~ 1, #define trip based on distance column
dist_prev TRUE ~ 0))
Note that this is some of the earliest R code I’d ever written. I’m leaving it alone for posterity’s sake, but I’m not sure why I split it into groups and re-bound it again.
<- bind_rows(scooters_trip) %>%
trip_long filter(trip == 1) #filter by only trip points
<- trip_long %>% #split again by trips
trip_split group_by(bike_id) %>%
#trip_split_id <- lapply(trip_split, function(df){
# df %>% mutate(time_id = row_number())
<-bind_rows(trip_split) #bind into trips
trip_id_long if(!file.exists("../results/trip_id_long.gpkg")){
st_write(trip_id_long, "../results/trip_id_long.gpkg", append = FALSE)