<- st_sf(readRDS("../results/flow_lines_arc.RDS"))
flow_lines_arc <- st_sf(readRDS("../results/balt_hex.RDS"))
balt_hex <- st_read("../results/otm_5b749ca22bf64d9abe899ef50a619131/points_2019.shp") %>% st_transform(3857) %>%
otm_lehd select(id, c000, geometry)
<- st_read("../results/scooters_raw.gpkg") %>% filter(is_disabled == 0) scooters_raw
Micromobility in Baltimore
<- get_acs(geography = "block group",
baltimore_bg_income variables = c("pop" = "B03002_001", # Total
"pop_nhwhite" = "B03002_003", # NH White
"pop_nhblack" = "B03002_004", # NH Black
"pop_nhamind" = "B03002_005", # NH Am Ind
"pop_nhasian" = "B03002_006", # NH Asian
"pop_nhhwnpi" = "B03002_007", # NH Hawaiin/PI
"pop_nhother" = "B03002_008", # One Other
"pop_nhtwomr" = "B03002_009", # Two+
"pop_hispltx" = "B03002_012", # Hispanic/Latinx
"hu_total" = "B25001_001", # Housing Units
"hu_totocc" = "B25003_001", # Housing Units - Occ
"hu_totown" = "B25003_002", # Housing Units - Owner Occ,
"hu_totrnt" = "B25003_003", # Housing Units - Renter Occ,
"mhhi" = "B19013_001"), #median household income
year = 2019,
survey = "acs5",
state = c(24),
county = c(510),
geometry = TRUE,
output = "wide") %>% st_transform(3857)
# Computes the NH Asian Population
$pop_nhasianXE <- baltimore_bg_income$pop_nhasianE + baltimore_bg_income$pop_nhhwnpiE
# Computes the NH "Other" Population
$pop_nhotherXE <- baltimore_bg_income$pop_nhamindE + baltimore_bg_income$pop_nhotherE + baltimore_bg_income$pop_nhtwomrE baltimore_bg_income
<- function(x, y) {
st_erase st_difference(x, st_make_valid(st_union(y)))}
<- area_water("MD", c(510,005), class = "sf") %>% st_transform(3857) %>% filter(AWATER > 20000)
bmore_water <- st_make_valid(st_buffer(bmore_water, 0)) # Fix topology bmore_water
<- baltimore_bg_income %>% st_transform(3857)
baltimore_bg_income <- st_erase(baltimore_bg_income, bmore_water)
baltimore_bg_income <- balt_hex %>% st_transform(3857)
balt_hex <- st_join(otm_lehd, balt_hex)
balt_bg_emp <- balt_bg_emp %>% group_by(hex_id) %>% summarise(sum_c000 = sum(c000))
balt_bg_emp <- st_intersects(st_union(baltimore_bg_income), balt_hex)
balt_hex.intersects <- balt_hex[balt_hex.intersects[[1]],]
balt_hex.subset <- st_join(balt_hex.subset, scooters_raw)
bmore_scooters_in_hex <- count(as_tibble(bmore_scooters_in_hex), hex_id)
bmore_scooter_hex_count <- left_join(balt_hex.subset, bmore_scooter_hex_count) balt_hex.subset
ar_validate(source = baltimore_bg_income, target = balt_hex.subset, varList = "popE", method = "aw", verbose = TRUE)
<- aw_interpolate(balt_hex.subset, tid = hex_id, source = baltimore_bg_income, sid = "GEOID", weight = "sum", output = "sf", extensive = c("popE","hu_totalE", "pop_nhwhiteE"))
bmore_grid_income <- left_join(bmore_grid_income, st_drop_geometry(balt_bg_emp))
bmore_grid_emp_income is.na(bmore_grid_emp_income)] <- 0
bmore_grid_emp_income[<- bmore_grid_emp_income %>% rename(scooter_count = n)%>% mutate(people_pt = popE + sum_c000, scooters_per_pt = (1000*scooter_count/18)/people_pt, pct_bipoc = (popE-pop_nhwhiteE)/popE) %>% filter(people_pt > 10)
bmore_grid_emp_income is.na(bmore_grid_emp_income)] <- 0
bmore_grid_emp_income[<- bmore_grid_emp_income %>% st_transform(3857) bmore_grid_emp_income
<- st_bbox(bmore_grid_emp_income) # current bounding box
<- bbox_new$xmax - bbox_new$xmin # range of x values
xrange <- bbox_new$ymax - bbox_new$ymin # range of y values
<- bbox_new %>% # take the bounding box ...
bbox_new st_as_sfc() # ... and make it a sf polygon
<- ggplot()+
ggplot.pts geom_sf(balt_hex, fill = NA, mapping = aes())+
geom_sf(bmore_grid_emp_income, color = NA, mapping = aes(fill = people_pt))+
labs(title = "Total person-points", fill = "Person-points")+
geom_sf(st_union(baltimore_bg_income), fill = NA, color = "black", size = 0.8, mapping = aes())+
scale_fill_viridis_c(breaks = c(0, 20000, 40000))+
coord_sf(xlim = st_coordinates(bbox_new)[c(1,2),1],
ylim = st_coordinates(bbox_new)[c(2,3),2]) +
theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5), panel.border = element_rect(color = "black", fill = NA), legend.position = "bottom", plot.margin = margin(0,5,0,5))
<- ggplot()+
ggplot.pct_bipoc geom_sf(balt_hex, fill = NA, mapping = aes())+
geom_sf(bmore_grid_emp_income, color = NA, mapping = aes(fill = pct_bipoc))+
labs(title = "Percentage of BIPOC residents", fill = "% BIPOC")+
geom_sf(st_union(baltimore_bg_income), fill = NA, color = "black", size = 0.8, mapping = aes())+
coord_sf(xlim = st_coordinates(bbox_new)[c(1,2),1],
ylim = st_coordinates(bbox_new)[c(2,3),2]) +
theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5), panel.border = element_rect(color = "black", fill = NA), legend.position = "bottom", plot.margin = margin(0,5,0,5))
<- ggplot()+
ggplot.scooters_pt geom_sf(balt_hex, fill = NA, mapping = aes())+
geom_sf(bmore_grid_emp_income, color = NA, mapping = aes(fill = scooters_per_pt))+
labs(title = "Scooters per 1000 person-points", fill = "Scooters per 1000 \nperson-points")+
geom_sf(st_union(baltimore_bg_income), fill = NA, color = "black", size = 0.8, mapping = aes())+
coord_sf(xlim = st_coordinates(bbox_new)[c(1,2),1],
ylim = st_coordinates(bbox_new)[c(2,3),2]) +
theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5), panel.border = element_rect(color = "black", fill = NA), legend.position = "bottom", plot.margin = margin(0,5,0,5))
<- ggplot.scooters_pt|ggplot.pct_bipoc
layout1 layout1
<- ggplot.scooters_pt | ggplot.pts
layout2 layout2